Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions you may have about using WordPress.

1.1. To access the WordPress dashboard you simply need to add /wp-admin to the end of the URL like the example below:

1.2. After adding /wp-admin to the end of the URL, press enter, the login page for WordPress you will see on your screen the login screen.

1.3. Type in the username and password that your developer created for you. If you’re not sure, check with your WordPress web designer.

2.1. If you’ve forgotten your WordPress admin password, you can reset it via email from the WordPress dashboard login page following these steps:

Go to your WordPress login page (

2.2. Click on ‘Lost your password?‘ at the bottom.

2.3. Enter the Username or E-mail of your WordPress admin user, then click on Get New Password

2.4. You should get an email with the subject [WordPress Site] Password Reset. The body of this email will contain a link below the text To reset your password, visit the following address, go ahead and click on that link.

2.5. Type in your New password, confirm it, then click on Reset Password.

3.1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and click the Posts link in the navigation menu.

3.2. Click the Add New button on the Posts page.

3.3. Enter a title in the available field. This will display on the top of your Post.

3.4. Enter your page content in the available field. You can use the Editor to format your text.

To show more options and choices push the Toolbar Toggle, if you don’t want more choices simple push the Toolbar Toggle again.

You can also click the Add Media button to add images, audio, etc.

3.5. Once you have entered your information in the Post, click the Publish button. (You can also click Save Draft to save your work without publishing the Post publicly).